JMediaPlayer skin format documentation.
Based on JMediaPlayer 2.0. Future versions of JMediaPlayer will extend the current skin format maintaining full compatibility for skins based on this and older specifications.
This document can also be downloaded as PDF (369KB).
A JMediaPlayer skin is made of several images of one or more formats packed in a zip archive along with a file that defines the image name, location, size, action and/or additional properties of every functional element of the user interface. This file must be called main.xml and its structure is described in the next sections of this document.
Although the format of the images can be one of the following
you will probably want to use a lossless format such as .png or .bmp to avoid ruining your work with compression artifacts.
The official skin file extension is .jmpskin, but JMediaPlayer will recognise as skins also .zip files. This is useful for testing purposes, but before distributing your skin please rename it to "SkinName.jmpskin"
By default, since version 2.0, JMediaPlayer stores its skins in the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\JockerSoft\Jenius\Skins\
main.xml is a standard extensible markup language (XML) document. It is derived from the schema available at (see Troubleshooting section for more details and download links).
Every control (button, label, trackbar, other) is represented as an element on the xml document. The properties of the control are attributes of the element.
Elements start with < followed by the control name, their attributes and values pairs and end with />. They can span in multiple lines
The attribute name is followed by = and its value is enclosed by double quotes ""
<controlname attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2" attribute3="value3" />
For example, valid controls declarations are:
<label id="lblStatus" color="17; 68; 166" font="Trebuchet; 8pt; style=Bold" x="185" y="32" /> <imgbutton id="Pause" file="bpause.bmp" x="500" y="98" /> <trackbar id="barPosition" file="seekb.bmp" x="120" y="65" w="226" h="5" backCl="111; 119; 111" borderCl="White" fillCl="255; 0; 255" horizontal="true" mode="unhide" />
In the section 'Skin Elements' you will find all you need to know to define controls in your skin and in section 'Putting it togheter' you will find more details in skin structure.
JMediaPlayer supports alpha transparency in the background image and supports a single transparent color in the images of the various controls.
This means that the buttons/bars can have non-rectangular shapes and that you can create elaborated skins with a semi transparent background that let partially show what's behind it!!
To have transparency in your skin, you have two options:
Only if you chose the 32bit png semi-transparency approach there are a few things to keep in mind:
If you have already created a skin for BSplayer (version 1.x) and you want to port it to JMediaPlayer, you can use the import tool integrated in JeniuS (Tools menu, Settings, JMediaPlayer -> Skin tab). This will make a main.xml file and will pack it with every image of the old skin in a .jmpskin file (a .zip file, renamed) in the default JMediaPlayer skins directory.
The imported skin will probably need some tweaks in labels size and position. There may be some BSplayer functions your skin uses that JMediaPlayer currently doesn't support: you may wish to replace them with one or more JMediaPlayer specific functions.
See appendix 'skin conversion from BSplayer' for the complete list, a conversion table and more details on BSplayer skin conversion.
The background element has the following attributes:
The general format of the background element is this (in square brackets [ ] are enclosed optional attributes. see above for default values):
<background mainImage="FILE" [alphaTransparency="true|false"] [maskImage="FILE"] [transparentColor="COLOR"] />
For example, 2 valid background declarations may be:
<background mainImage="main.png" alphaTransparency="true" maskImage="main_Mask.png" /> <background mainImage="mybackground.png" transparentColor="Magenta" />
An image button (imgbtn element) is a special button that can assume one of the following 5 states depending on several factors:
Only the first 3 (normal, mouseup, mousedown) must exist for every button. The checked state is used only by 3 buttons and the disabled state is currently unused.
So, for each button you want to insert, you'll need to provide 3 images of the same format and size. The file name of each image must follow this convention:
filename is common to every image of that button and can be whatever you want (IE: btnplay)
STATECODE is a code that distinguishes one of the 5 states: normal= n; mouseup= u; mousedown= d; disabled= dis; checked= c
extension is common to every image of that button and is one of the allowed images extension (IE: png)
For example, the image for the Play button in it's normal state can be: btnplayn.png
continuing with the example, the mouseup state will be btnplayu.png , the mousedown state will be btnplayd.png , the disabled state will be btnplaydis.png and the checked state will be btnplayc.png .
Filenames and state codes are not case sensitive.
The function of an image button is determined by it's id (identifier) attribute. The complete list of valid ids currently supported is the following (in bold are represented the buttons that should always be in every skin, but you are not forced to insert them):
Play Pause Stop PreviousTrack NextTrack VolumeUp VolumeDown Mute LoadJenius AddFileToJenius Volume Fullscreen ShowPlaylist SubtitlesOnOff SubFontPlus SubFontMinus MoveSubtitlesUp MoveSubtitlesDown Settings Skins FastForwards FastBackwards SeekForwards SeekBackwards SeekForwardsLarge SeekBackwardsLarge JumpToTime Zoom50 Zoom100 Zoom200 AspectCycle AspectOriginal Aspect169 Aspect43 VideoInfo PanIn PanOut ZoomIn ZoomOut CustomPanScan CustomPosition Minimize Exit Credits VideoAlwaysOnTop Open OpenAudio LoadSubtitles CloseFile AddBookmark EditBookmark IncrementPlaybackSpeed DecrementPlaybackSpeed IncrementPlaybackSpeedSmall DecrementPlaybackSpeedSmall Random SwitchStatusDisplayMode
Most of them are self explanatory and can be found also in other programs, but for the other ones here is the description:
LoadJenius: opens the main JeniuS interface. This buttons must also have the disabled state.
AddFileToJenius: adds the current file playing to JeniuS' library
Volume: opens an external mixer/equalizer set by the user. The default is Windows' mixer.
SeekForwards and
SeekBackwards: when clicked they jump to the next/previous <n> seconds of the file
SeekForwardsLarge and
SeekBackwardsLarge: as SeekForwards and SeekBackwards, but the jump is of more seconds
FastForwards and FastBackwards: while kept pressed, they act as SeekForwards and SeekBackwards
CustomPosition: for video files, opens a window to let the user select the video position in the draw surface
CustomPanScan: for video files, opens a window to let the user select the video scale factor
You can insert in the skin more than one button with the same name (same function), but only the first one will be used for special actions (like the SubtitlesOnOff button, when a subtitles file is loaded it is displayed in its checked state)
To insert a button in your skin, add the following line in the body of main.xml:
<imgbutton id="OneOfTheValidIDs" file="FILENAME.EXTENSION" x="INT" y="INT" />
For example, 3 valid button declarations may be:
<imgbutton id="Play" file="bplay.png" x="45" y="53" /> <imgbutton id="Pause" file="bpause.bmp" x="36" y="30" /> <imgbutton id="Minimize" file="Btn2.png" x="316" y="2" />
A track bar (trackbar element) is a bit more complex than a button. I hope you have an idea of what a track bar is because I'm not able to find a good definition that isn't in contrast with what JMediaPlayer's track bars can be :-)
Here are the main characteristics:
No duplicated items are allowed
The general format of a track bar is this (in square brackets [ ] are enclosed optional attributes. see above for default values):
<trackbar id="OneOfTheValidIDs" [file="FILE"] x="INT" y="INT" w="INT" h="INT" [backCl="COLOR"] [borderCl="COLOR"] [fillCl="COLOR"] horizontal="true|false" [center="true|false"] [mode="centered|unhide"] />
For example, 2 valid button declarations may be:
<trackbar id="barBalance" file="smallhandle.png" x="148" y="5" w="58" h="7" backCl="Transparent" borderCl="Transparent" fillCl="Transparent" horizontal="true" center="true" mode="centered" /> <trackbar id="barPosition" x="166" y="121" w="156" h="7" backCl="154; 210; 246" borderCl="Black" fillCl="74; 130; 214" horizontal="true" mode="unhide" />
JeniuS supports two kinds of labels (label element): 'normal' labels and active labels. The first one only displays text, while the last one is also sensitive to mouse clicks. (active label in normal state: ; active label that can be clicked:
The 'normal' labels can have interesting properties:
No duplicated items are allowed
The general format of a label is this (in square brackets [ ] are enclosed optional attributes. see above for default values):
<label id="OneOfTheValidIDs" color="COLOR" [boldColor="COLOR"] font="FONT" [horizStretch="FLOAT"] [vertiStretch="FLOAT"] [scrollable="true|false"] x="INT" y="INT" w="INT" h="INT" />
For example, 3 valid label declarations may be:
<label id="lblStatus" color="Yellow" font="Microsoft Sans Serif; 9pt" horizStretch="1" vertiStretch="1,32" x="150" y="84" w="164" h="20" /> <label id="lblProperties" color="2; 19; 54" boldColor="2; 19; 54" font="Microsoft Sans Serif; 8.25pt" x="271" y="65" w="132" h="15" /> <label id="lblFile" color="2; 19; 54" font="Microsoft Sans Serif; 8pt; style=Bold" scrollable="true" x="138" y="52" w="258" h="14" />
A rating box (rating element) is a special control that lets the user rate the file JMediaPlayer is currently playing.
The rating can be one of the following: file corrupted (usally a red cross) or good (usually 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars).
If you want to use custom cross and star images, you need to set the fileOK and fileBad attributes and provide two copies of every image: one for the normal state, the other for the mouseup/selected state. This follows the same naming convention as with image buttons ('N' for normal state, 'U' for mouse up state).
No duplicated items are allowed
The general format of a label is this (in square brachets [ ] are enclosed optional attributes. see above for default values):
<rating id="rating" x="INT" y="INT" w="INT" h="INT" fileOK="FILENAME.EXTENSION" fileBad="FILENAME.EXTENSION" />
Where FILENAME is the base filename of the image, without the statecode.
For example, a valid rating box declarations may be:
<rating id="rating" x="135" y="24" w="96" h="16" fileOK="star.png" fileBad="cross.png" />
Now that you know which controls you can use in your skin, let's see how to create a skin template.
Open your favourite text-only editor (notepad is OK, Microsoft Word isn't), paste the following lines:
<Skin xmlns=""> </Skin>
and save them in a file called main.xml
Now insert a few info about the skin and yourself, if you wish: insert the following lines inside the blank space between the first and the last line you just pasted.
<!-- Skin details -->
<name>Skin name</name>
<description>Skin description</description>
<author>Your nick</author>
<authorEmail>Your email</authorEmail>
<authorUrl>Your website url</authorUrl>
If you don't want to fill-in a field, simply delete that line.
main.xml now will look something like
<Skin xmlns=""> <!-- Skin details -->
<name>Skin name</name>
<description>Skin description</description>
<author>Your nick</author>
<authorEmail>Your email</authorEmail>
<authorUrl>Your website url</authorUrl>
</skinInfo> </Skin>
Insert the background element, as described in the first part of this document. Example:
<!-- Main settings -->
<background mainImage="main.png" alphaTransparency="true" maskImage="main_Mask.png" transparentColor="Magenta" />
Insert the various image buttons, trackbars and labels as described previously
<!-- Image buttons -->
<imgbutton id="Play" file="bplay.png" x="45" y="53" />
<imgbutton id="Pause" file="bpause.png" x="36" y="30" />
<!-- Track bars -->
<trackbar id="barPosition" x="166" y="121" w="156" h="7" backCl="154; 210; 246" borderCl="Black" fillCl="74; 130; 214" horizontal="true" mode="unhide" />
<!-- Labels -->
<label id="lblStatus" color="Yellow" font="Microsoft Sans Serif; 9pt" horizStretch="1"
vertiStretch="1,32" x="150" y="84" w="164" h="20" />
<label id="lblFile" color="2; 19; 54" font="Microsoft Sans Serif; 8pt; style=Bold" x="138" y="52" w="258" h="14" scrollable="true" />
<!-- Rating box -->
<rating id="rating" x="135" y="24" w="96" h="16" fileOK="star.png" fileBad="cross.png" />
Once the skin template is ready, put into a .zip archive the main.xml file and every image used in your skin. Call this archive as you prefer.
Put this file in JeniuS skins directory, open JeniuS, select your new skin from the settings window. Open JMediaPlayer to test your skin.
When the skin is finished, rename the archive replacing .zip extension with .jmpskin and insert your skin in the JMediaPlayer skin collection.
If you receive an error message when you are trying to load your new skin in JMediaPlayer, probably you have made some mistakes in the "main.xml" file.
To find and fix them you can validate the skin template (the "main.xml" file) using a xml validator service such as this XSD Schema Validator
Insert the main.xml file of your skin and the latest skin schema file you find at (download schema - .zip file)
This will tell you exactly what's wrong with your skin template.
If you have any problem or question, do not hesitate to ask in the forums
Valid colors values are:
Valid font values must have one of these formats:
Where FONTNAME is the font name (IE: Microsoft Sans Serif or Arial or Verdana...)
SIZE is the size of the font, expressed in points (IE 8 or 6.75 or 11.5). Must be followed by pt (points)
STYLE is optional (default is Regular). Must be one or more of the following:
boolean attributes can assume only the true or false values.
Remember that True and tRue are considered different from true and so they are not valid.
When converting a BSplayer skin to JMediaPlayer, there are a few things to keep in mind:
You receive the error message "This skin lacks the following image: [imageName]. Button [buttonName] removed"
There are 2 possible reasons for this: the original skinmaker forgot to include that file, or you are trying to convert a skin that targets an old BSplayer skin format. To fix this either create the missing image, or copy and rename another state of the same image.
Some buttons are missing from the converted skin
JMediaPlayer does not support all the function BSplayer does. If a BSplayer button is not supported, it will be missing from the converted skin.
To fix this, consider adding in this empty space one of the special JMediaPlayer only functions, such as "LoadJenius" button or the "rating" control.
see button functions for an explanation of what they do
For example here is how I modified phantomlord's BSplayer Showtime 1.4 skin for JMediaPlayer:
BSplayer version: 1.37 (b826).
In future JMediaPlayer releases, support for more functions will be provided.
This list is here for your convenience only. You are encouraged to use JeniuS' skin import tool.
"" means that this action isn't currently supported
Action# (Meaning) -> "JMediaPlayerButtonName" ------------------------------------------------ 0 (BSP_ExitFScreen) -> "Fullscreen" 1 (BSP_VolUp) -> "VolumeUp" 2 (BSP_VolDown) -> "VolumeDown" 3 (BSP_DeDynUp //DeDynamic Filter Increase Amplification) -> "" 4 (BSP_DeDynPreUp //DeDynamic Filter Increase Pre-Amplification) -> "" 5 (BSP_DeDynDown) -> "" 6 (BSP_DeDynPreDown) -> "" 7 (BSP_Preferences) -> "Settings" 8 (BSP_FrmCapture //Capture Frame - Original image size) -> "" 9 (BSP_Frm2 //Capture Frame - "What you see") -> "" 10 (BSP_FS_Switch) -> "Fullscreen" 11 (BSP_SubsEnDi) -> "SubtitlesOnOff" 12 (BSP_Skins) -> "Skins" 13 (BSP_AStrmVolCyc //Audio Stream Volume Cycle) -> "" 14 (BSP_Rew) -> "SeekBackwards" 15 (BSP_Forw) -> "SeekForwards" 16 (BSP_SubCorInc //Subtitles Time Correction + / VobSub Increase Delay) -> "" 17 (BSP_SubCorDec) -> "" 18 (BSP_SubCorIncS //Subtitles Time Correction+(Small Steps)/VobSub Increase Speed) -> "" 19 (BSP_SubCorDecS) -> "" 20 (BSP_Play) -> "Play" 21 (BSP_Pause) -> "Pause" 22 (BSP_Stop) -> "Stop" 23 (BSP_ViewChp //Chapter Viewer) -> "" 24 (BSP_VBlankSwitch //Switch wait for vertical-blank) -> "" 25 (BSP_Prev) -> "Previoustrack" 26 (BSP_PrevCh //Previous Chapter) -> "" 27 (BSP_PrevCD) -> "" 28 (BSP_Next) -> "Nexttrack" 29 (BSP_NextCh) -> "" 30 (BSP_NextCD) -> "" 31 (BSP_ATop) -> "VideoAlwaysOnTop" 32 (BSP_OvrTop //Always on Top Overlay Mode) -> "" 33 (BSP_AspCyc) -> "AspectCycle" 34 (BSP_PlayList) -> "ShowPlaylist" 35 (BSP_Mute) -> "Mute" 36 (BSP_JumpToTime) -> "JumpToTime" 37 (BSP_Zoom50) -> "Zoom50" 38 (BSP_Zoom100) -> "Zoom100" 39 (BSP_Zoom200) -> "Zoom200" 40 (BSP_AspOrg) -> "AspectOriginal" 41 (BSP_Asp169) -> "Aspect169" 42 (BSP_Asp43) -> "Aspect43" 43 (BSP_FSSW640 //Fullscreen Switch Resolution 640x480) -> "" 44 (BSP_FSSW800 //Fullscreen Switch Resolution 800x600) -> "" 45 (BSP_VInf) -> "VideoInfo" 46 (BSP_PanIn) -> "PanIn" 47 (BSP_PanOut) -> "PanOut" 48 (BSP_ZoomIn) -> "ZoomIn" 49 (BSP_ZoomOut) -> "ZoomOut" 50 (BSP_MoveLeft // Move Picture Left (in fullscreen)) -> "" 51 (BSP_MoveRight) -> "" 52 (BSP_MoveUp) -> "" 53 (BSP_MoveDown) -> "" 54 (BSP_FRSizeLeft //Free Resize Left (in fullscreen)) -> "" 55 (BSP_FRSizeRight) -> "" 56 (BSP_FRSizeUp) -> "" 57 (BSP_FRSizeDown) -> "" 58 (BSP_ResetMov) -> "" 59 (BSP_HideCtrl) -> "Minimize" 60 (BSP_EQ) -> "" 61 (BSP_OpenAud) -> "OpenAudio" 62 (BSP_OpenSub) -> "LoadSubtitles" 63 (BSP_OpenMov) -> "Open" 64 (BSP_PanScan //Pan-Scan (Auto)) -> "" 65 (BSP_CusPanScan) -> "CustomPanScan" 66 (BSP_DeskMode //Desktop Mode) -> "" 67 (BSP_AddBk) -> "AddBookmark" 68 (BSP_EditBK) -> "EditBookmark" 69 (BSP_SkinRefr) -> "" 70 (BSP_About) -> "Credits" 71 (BSP_CycleAS //Cycle Audio Stream) -> "Random" 72 (BSP_CycleSub //Cycle Subtitles) -> "" 73 (BSP_IncPBRate) -> "IncrementPlaybackSpeed" 74 (BSP_DecPBRate) -> "DecrementPlaybackSpeed" 75 (BSP_IncPP //Increase Post-Processing) -> "" 76 (BSP_DecPP) -> "" 77 (BSP_Exit) -> "Exit" 78 (BSP_CloseM) -> "CloseFile" 79 (BSP_JumpF) -> "SeekForwardsLarge" 80 (BSP_JumpB) -> "SeekBackwardsLarge" 81 (BSP_ChBordEx //Select Chapter) -> "" 82 (BSP_CycleVid //Cycle Video Stream) -> "" 83 (BSP_IncFnt) -> "SubFontPlus" 84 (BSP_DecFnt) -> "SubFontMinus" 85 (BSP_IncBri //Increase Brightness) -> "" 86 (BSP_DecBri) -> "" 87 (BSP_MovSubUp) -> "MoveSubtitlesUp" 88 (BSP_MovSubDown) -> "MoveSubtitlesDown" 89 (BSP_SHTime //Show / Hide Movie Time (OSD)) -> "" 90 (BSP_IncBriHW) -> "" 91 (BSP_DecBriHW) -> "" 92 (BSP_IncConHW) -> "" 93 (BSP_DecConHW) -> "" 94 (BSP_IncHueHW) -> "" 95 (BSP_DecHueHW) -> "" 96 (BSP_IncSatHW) -> "" 97 (BSP_DecSatHW) -> "" 98 (BSP_ShowHWClr //Show Hardware Color Controls Dialog) -> "" 99 (BSP_IncMovWin //Resize Movie Window +) -> "" 100 (BSP_DecMovWin //Resize Movie Window -) -> "" 101 (BSP_IncPBRate1) -> "IncrementPlaybackSpeedSmall" 102 (BSP_DecPBRate1) -> "DecrementPlaybackSpeedSmall" 103 (BSP_SWRepeat //Switch Repeat Modes) -> "Random" 104 (BSP_SWDispFmt //Switch Time / Frames) -> "SwitchStatusDisplayMode" 105 (BSP_FastForw) -> "FastForwards" 106 (BSP_FastRew) -> "FastBackwards" 107 (BSP_OpenURL) -> ""