
Contact us

Would you like creating a skin for JMediaPlayer?

Chops huge files in smaller pieces, to make them fit on CD or other limited storage devices

Software development
let me know your ideas for new freeware programs, or commission the development of a custom program for you

The programs and services you can find on this website and the website itself have been developed and managed by JockerSoft, which is just a 'cool' name that should help people remember the site URL and associate my programs to a single author.
The flesh-and-blood person behind JockerSoft is Claudio Beretta

  more about the author coming soon ..  

If you have any questions, issues, suggestions.. you can leave a message into the public forum or send me an email:

As an alternative, you can send me traditional mail at this address:

Claudio Beretta
via Piemonte 31
24020 Torre Boldone (BG)

Phone: +39035343460


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