Tranlators needed: |
SplitFile Chops huge files in smaller pieces, to make them fit on CD or other limited storage devices |
Software development |
My programs are 'donationware', which means they do not cost you anything, they are not limited in functionalities and do not contain advertising, spyware, time trials; anyone is free to use them without restrictions and is encouraged to donate the amount he thinks is fair based on the usefulness of the programs and his possibilities. The donation is not mandatory, however it is appreciated :)
If you wish to contribute to the development of these programs or to help pay the hosting fees you can do it with a donation of any amount. You can also help by providing a translation to another language or simply letting others know this program.
There is no fixed amount set for a donation: the complexity and utility of my programs varies a lot (from 'System Restore Disabler' to 'JeniuS'). I'll leave you free to decide how much you value their usefulness for you and how much time they saved you...
Click on one of the buttons below to make a donation in the currency you prefer, using PayPal secure payment system (no registration required, it accepts the main credit cards or fund transfers from your existing paypal account)
Thank you!