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Chops huge files in smaller pieces, to make them fit on CD or other limited storage devices

Software development
let me know your ideas for new freeware programs, or commission the development of a custom program for you

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Size: 80 x 17 pixel; 1.23 KB
JeniuS - multimedia file organizer
Code (copy and paste):
<a href="http://www.jockersoft.com" title="JeniuS - multimedia file organizer">
<img src="http://www.jockersoft.com/_altervista_ht/jenius80x17.png"
alt="JeniuS - multimedia file organizer" width="80" height="17" border="0">


Size: 88 x 31 pixel; 1.35 KB
JeniuS - multimedia file organizer
Code (copy and paste):
<a href="http://www.jockersoft.com" title="JeniuS - multimedia file organizer">
<img src="http://www.jockersoft.com/_altervista_ht/jenius88x31.png"
alt="JeniuS - multimedia file organizer" width="88" height="31" border="0">


Size: 160 x 32 pixel; 2.68 KB
JeniuS - organizzatore di file multimediali
Code (copy and paste):
<a href="http://www.jockersoft.com" title="JeniuS - multimedia file organizer">
<img src="http://www.jockersoft.com/_altervista_ht/jeniusB160x32.png"
alt="JeniuS - organizzatore di file multimediali" width="160" height="32" border="0">


Size: 160 x 32 pixel; 2.70 KB
JeniuS - organizzatore di file multimediali
Code (copy and paste):
<a href="http://www.jockersoft.com" title="JeniuS - multimedia file organizer">
<img src="http://www.jockersoft.com/_altervista_ht/jeniusC160x32.png"
alt="JeniuS - organizzatore di file multimediali" width="160" height="32" border="0">


Size: 160 x 32 pixel; 0.94 KB
TheCounter - statistiche per il tuo sito
Code (copy and paste):
<a href="http://www.jockersoft.com/thecounter_index.php" 
title="TheCounter - statistiche per il tuo sito"> <img src="http://www.jockersoft.com/_altervista_ht/thecounter160x32.png" alt="TheCounter - statistiche per il tuo sito" width="160" height="32" border="0"> </a>









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