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Chops huge files in smaller pieces, to make them fit on CD or other limited storage devices |
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Go to the CodecInstaller description page.
CHANGELOG v2.9-->v2.10:
- added RIFF structure viewer
- added key/interpolated frames structure viewer
- minor bug fixed
CHANGELOG v2.8-->v2.9:
- better .avi and .divx analysis
- added APE format support
- added export button in file analysis
- improvements in the movie launcher
CHANGELOG v2.7-->v2.8:
- a new category of filters is displayed in the 'installed filters window': 'general purpose filters'
- filters are detected asynchronously, leaving the 'installed filters window' usable while detection is in progress
- translated into Brazillian Portuguese
- a few bug fixes
CHANGELOG v2.6-->v2.7:
- added functionality to 'remove' filters either unregistering them or lowering their Merit value
- translated into French and German
- minor bug fixes
CHANGELOG v2.5-->v2.6:
- do not display filters that have a low merit (user configurable)
- added the possibility to view and change filters mappings and priority
- translated into Swedish, Polish, Hungarian(v2.6.2) and Valencian (v2.6.3)
CHANGELOG v2.2-->v2.5:
- codec detection system improved
- full Windows Vista support
- redesigned file analysis: now it analyzes more formats and it identifies fake files
- minor user interface improvements
- support for 64bit systems
- translated into Russian and Turkish
CHANGELOG v2.1-->v2.2:
- This is a maintenance release that fixes most of the errors the users found in v2.1
CHANGELOG v2.0-->v2.1:
- Improvements to codec detection system and video analisys
- fully translated into Spanish
- compiled for .Net Framework 2.0
- fixed a few minor problems
CHANGELOG v1.92-->v2.0:
- New codec detection engine: now all registered codecs are displayed and the ones that are installed but seem not usable by directshow are shown with a particular colorAvi analisys says if the file
can be played with the installed codecs. If it isn't a detailed error message is displayed, helping the user troubleshotting the problemautomatic search for updates
- fixed a few minor problems
CHANGELOG v1.3-->v1.4:
- Video analisysinproved: English translation added: check for new versionsupdated: links to this
- Setup program
CHANGELOG v1.2-->v1.3:
- added VideoLauncher : informatiosn about genre, author, plot... of the distributed video file can be viewed
- detected more codecs (139 Video, 39 Audio)
CHANGELOG v1.1-->v1.2
- detected more codecs ( 123 Video, 38 audio)The installed codecs list has a 'standard' beaviour (sort on click, scrollable with mouse whell)
- Reduced size of the program
CHANGELOG v1.0-->v1.1
- support for other languages added (English)
- beaviour of the program changed in several occasions